FENOC is trying to develop a standard fuel receipt process between
BWRs/PWRs. To that end, I have some questions on how fuel receipt is done
at your plants:
1. What role, if any, does Quality Assurance or Quality Control play in
the fuel receipt process? Specifically, do they perform any inspections,
review paperwork, etc?
2. What is the purpose the new fuel inspection activity? Is the new fuel
receipt inspection considered an inspection for "shipping or handling
damage" or it is a traditional receipt inspection?
3. Who does “inspection” (i.e. Reactor Engineering, QA/QC, Maintenance,
shared resources, etc.)?
4. What specific role(s) does Rx Engineer perform?
5. Who unloads shipping containers?
6. Does your plant utilize the same process for fuel receipt at the site
as other procured material?
7. Does your plant require the fuel receipt personnel to be ANSI/ASME
N45.2.6 qualified, and at what level? If not required to be qualified to
the N45.2.6, why not?
Once I compile this data, I'll send it out to everyone.
Mark Laris
Reactor Engineering Supervisor
Perry NPP
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