If you did not already receive this message, FENOC is looking for RE Peers to help with self-assessments. See message below. Please respond directly back to Paul at prgilles(a)firstenergycorp.com.
Tom Tomlinson
Begin forwarded message:
> From: prgilles(a)firstenergycorp.com
> Date: June 4, 2012 1:31:01 PM EDT
> To: adam.bracke(a)exeloncorp.com, William.Buchanan(a)cengllc.com, bscatalanotto(a)tva.gov, Andrew.Cecchetti(a)aps.com, jeremy.a.custer(a)dom.com, Mike.Devoe(a)pgnmail.com, nicholas.domenico(a)cengllc.com, Erik.Flodin(a)aps.com, emfrazer(a)tva.gov, Meghan.Hahn(a)dom.com, Winston.Hamilton(a)duke-energy.com, Nicolas.Hernandez(a)duke-energy.com, kevin.houston(a)duke-energy.com, wscott.jackson(a)pgnmail.com, robert.jaffa(a)exeloncorp.com, Larry.James(a)duke-energy.com, adina.k.lafrance(a)dom.com, Jennifer.L.Meszaros(a)dom.com, Steve.Perrero(a)duke-energy.com, danny.powers(a)sce.com, david.punch(a)duke-energy.com, Jason.Schaefer(a)cengllc.com, Tom.Schleicher(a)dom.com, kyle.semmler(a)duke-energy.com, Robert.Stclair(a)duke-energy.com, Wtstackler(a)tva.gov, atate(a)entergy.com, brian.thompson3(a)pgnmail.com, Jonathon.Waldes(a)pgnmail.com, hester.wan(a)duke-energy.com, Ralph.Williams(a)duke-energy.com, drwilliamson(a)oppd.com, paul_gurney(a)flp.com, Cody.Lemons(a)luminant.com, JEEichenlaub(a)stpegs.com, edward.mcvey(a)exeloncorp.com, wrhayes(a)tva.gov, john.mckernan(a)pgnmail.com, mark.vandermyde(a)exeloncorp.com, kvanspeybroeck(a)energy-northwest.com, ljcovin(a)nppd.com, mark.budelier(a)exeloncorp.com, brad.lindley(a)nexteraenergy.com, lakem(a)dteenergy.com, wdrews1(a)entergy.com, wlong(a)entergy.com, cajames(a)southernco.com, james.krall(a)pseg.com, philip.hansett(a)exeloncorp.com, craig.hoffman(a)exeloncorp.com, todd.erickson(a)xenuclear.com, john.darweesh(a)cengllc.com, james.frank(a)exeloncorp.com, jason.murphy(a)exeloncorp.com, gjames1(a)entergy.com, david.schumacher(a)exeloncorp.com, jvukovi(a)entergy.com, jhirt(a)pplweb.com, elindsa(a)entergy.com
> Cc: msrupp(a)firstenergycorp.com, pmessman(a)firstenergycorp.com, spierce(a)firstenergycorp.com, dbkelley(a)firstenergycorp.com, chandlerl(a)firstenergycorp.com, rjborland(a)firstenergycorp.com, jdowney(a)firstenergycorp.com, nschlichting(a)firstenergycorp.com, shopper(a)firstenergycorp.com, kmedved(a)firstenergycorp.com, tguo(a)firstenergycorp.com, mumbel(a)firstenergycorp.com, etomlinson(a)firstenergycorp.com, srafferty(a)firstenergycorp.com, jlong(a)firstenergycorp.com, sspacek(a)firstenergycorp.com, pwbordley(a)firstenergycorp.com, aburger(a)firstenergycorp.com, kszellers(a)firstenergycorp.com
> Subject: Looking for peers for conduct of reactor engineering self assessment
> Greetings,
> FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) will be conducting a fleet
> focused self assessment of Reactor Engineering from September 10 – 21 this
> year. The self assessment will include Reactor Engineering activities at
> Beaver Valley (2 unit, 3 loop Westinghouse PWR), Davis-Besse (Babcock &
> Wilcox PWR), and Perry (GE BWR 6).
> We are looking for two external peers to assist with this self assessment,
> one PWR and one BWR knowledgeable. The ideal PWR peer would have both B&W
> and Westinghouse experience, but this is not mandatory. The ideal BWR peer
> would have BWR 6 experience, but also not mandatory.
> Although the self assessment spans two weeks, industry peers will only be
> required to be present during the period of assessment specific to their
> technology area. The detailed schedule and assessment plan will be
> determined based on the input of all team members, once the team has been
> established.
> Please feel free to forward this invitation. If you would like to
> participate, please respond to prgilles(a)firstenergycorp.com by Friday, June
> 15. Don't hesitate to call if you have questions. Thanks!
> Sincerely,
> Paul Gilles
> Supervisor, Core Design & Physics Support
> FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
> (330) 315-6779 work
> (330) 314-6243 cell
> -----------------------------------------
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