Beaver Valley responses below
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email:
"Gore, Duane" <degore@STPEGS.CO M> To Sent by: "'PWR Reactivity Management'" cc
01/05/2010 03:15 Subject PM [Pwrrm] Issuance of the COLR
Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
We have been questioned by our Resident as to the timeliness of issuing the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR). We issue it after we approve our Reload Safety Evaluation report. Sometimes this is done before the refueling outage starts, other times it is just prior to core reload. Other than having it in place when the new core is loaded, we do not have any requirements on a lead-time. When we issue the COLR to the Plant we also issue it to Licensing and they do the formal transmittal to the NRC.
1. When does your organization issue the COLR to the Plant (e.g., as needed, before the start of the outage, 3 months prior to the outage) ? Answer - During the refueling - usually during off-load window. During operating cycle - as needed. 2. How long after issuance to the Plant is the COLR sent to the NRC? Answer - Typically within 30 days of issuance 3. What organization prepares and issues the COLR (e.g. core design, safety analysis, licensing, etc.)? Answer - Core Design and Reactor Engineering prepare 50.59, etc. Licensing issues COLR and sends letter to NRC.
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Duane Gore Supervisor, Reactor Engineering STPNOC
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