TVA is planning an upcoming self-assessment on Reactivity Maneuvering Plans. I am looking for an Operations or Reactor Engineering member. We have 2 PWR sites and 1 BWR sites so individuals with experience with both reactor types is a plus! As a team member, I would like participants to review/comment on the following documents - recent INPO AFIs related to Reactivity Control Plans (RCPs), other applicable INPO guidance documents, our Nuclear Power Group practices related to RCPs (Reactivity Management, Human Performance tools, etc.), all 3 TVA sites’ controlling procedures for RCP development, external peers’ procedures on RCPs, PWROG and RCRC documents on RCPs, etc. Additionally, I would like team members to conduct interviews with Operations personnel from their respective location to obtain feedback about RCP effectiveness. I will provide the above-mentioned documents, along with a recommended Operations interview questions sheet, in early July.
I am requesting 3 days in Chattanooga, 7/29 – 7/31. Although not optimal, I can also set up a conference call-in phone number to participate via phone and will also entertain less than 3 days in Chattanooga, if necessary. From the above activities, I will ask each team member to write up a 1 or 2 page report on their observations, interviews, document reviews, etc. to ultimately come up with best practices, format, and content of RCPs for TVA usage. Team members may take with them whatever documentation they would like for their company. My final report is due 30 days after the completion of the assessment so I will send that to team members as well.
Interested??? Chattanooga is a great place to visit!
Kathleen Cunningham
Program Manager, Oversight and Inventory Control
TVA NPG, Reactor Engineering and Fuels
423.751.3094 w
423.883.2001 m