The following is Beaver Valley's response to the questions below:
1) What kind of procedures are classified as Reactivity Management? (ex. - Ops dilutions, unit shutdown, RE procedures, I&C calibrations, putting a polisher in service...etc.) Ops shutdown, startup, and OSTs such as Shutdown Margin, The only item above we do not review are I&C calibrations.
2) How often does Reactor Engineering have to review the changes made to non RE procedures? (here at Surry, we review a majority of the procedures given as examples above. We do not review most administrative changes) We review all changes to shutdown margin procedures and RE procedures. We also review other Ops procedures (i.e shutdown, startup, heat balance, demineralizers, etc.) but only if the change affects how Ops controls reactivity (i.e. we do not review administrative changes to these procedures). The only admin procedures that RE reviews are ones that impact RE such as the Reactivity Management and Reactivity Planning admin procedures.
3) Is your physics Testing procedure considered an Infrequently Performed Test? How about all of your other outage related procedures? Physics Testing is always considered an Infrequently Performed Tests. No other Reactor Engineering procedures are considered Infrequently Performed Tests. Other outage activities that are always Infrequently Performed tests include: Reactor Head Lift, Upper Internals Lift, Rod Drops, and startup until the Main Feed Reg Valves are in service (approximately 25% power)
4) Is Reactor Engineering actively involved in reviewing daily work orders? How is this accomplished? ( REs look at a daily work order list, people bring work orders to REs,...etc. Yes, we review reactivity related work orders. This is accomplished as part of the 12 week schedule is SAP. The work planners assign a review task to reactor engineer in the notification portion of the order during the planning phase. Usually Ops reviews the order first to see if RE review is needed. These orders are reviewed prior to T+6 (unless the order is emergent). If the order is emergent usually the planner or work week manager calls or emails RE to notify us that a review is needed. The orders are reviewed to evaluate the reactivity impact of the work on the station.
----- Forwarded by Robert W Huston/FirstEnergy on 03/11/2009 10:00 AM -----
Anthony R Burger/FirstEnerg y To Robert W 03/09/2009 10:35 Huston/FirstEnergy@FirstEnergy AM cc
Subject Fw: [Pwrrm] Reactivity Management Procedure and Work Order Reviews
Please provide a response to the request from Surry to the RETAQS email address (
AR ----- Forwarded by Anthony R Burger/FirstEnergy on 03/09/2009 10:31 AM -----
Charlene.N.Chotal Sent by: To pwrrm@keffective. com cc
Subject 03/09/2009 09:16 [Pwrrm] Reactivity Management AM Procedure and Work Order Reviews
Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management <pwrrm@keffective .com>
Good morning,
Surry would like to know the following:
1) What kind of procedures are classified as Reactivity Management? (ex. - Ops dilutions, unit shutdown, RE procedures, I&C calibrations, putting a polisher in service...etc.)
2) How often does Reactor Engineering have to review the changes made to non RE procedures? (here at Surry, we review a majority of the procedures given as examples above. We do not review most administrative changes)
3) Is your physics Testing procedure considered an Infrequently Performed Test? How about all of your other outage related procedures?
3) Is Reactor Engineering actively involved in reviewing daily work orders? How is this accomplished? ( REs look at a daily work order list, people bring work orders to REs,...etc.
I intend on asking followup questions, so please provide your contact information along with your response. Thank you for your participation.
Charlene Chotalal Reactor Engineer Surry Power Station Work: (757)-365-2819 "I use a spotter when I'm backing up...why is that? Because I'm backing up! Safe!"
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