Adina LaFrance
Reactor Engineer
Nuclear Analysis and Fuels,
Surry Power Station
Dominion Generation
Phone: 757-365-2658; Internal:
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 5:08 PM
Subject: [Pwrrm] PWR RE Training Assessment
I’ve been tasked by our management to assess
what other utilities are doing to qualify their PWR reactor engineers. To
obtain this benchmarking information the following survey was developed.
It would be appreciated to have your responses by the end of the month (July
Note that I use the
term qualified nuclear engineer (QNE) to indicate that the reactor engineer is
Please provide your responses to
I will provide at your request an anonymous
summary of these results.
Frank W. Trikur
RE Oversite and Emergent Issues
Nuclear Fuels
Exelon Corp.
Phone: 630-657-2182
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