Cook Nuclear Plant responses below:

1.        When does your organization issue the COLR to the Plant (e.g., as needed, before the start of the outage, 3 months prior to the outage) ?  Our COLR is in place at the plant after core off-load of the previous cycle, but before core reload of the subsequent cycle.  
2.        How long after issuance to the Plant is the COLR sent to the NRC? COLR typically sent to the NRC within 30 days after issuance to the plant.
3.        What organization prepares and issues the COLR (e.g. core design, safety analysis, licensing, etc.)? The Cook plant contracts out core design to Westinghouse.  Westinghouse prepares the loading pattern and related documents, (Reload Evaluation, Nuclear Parameters & Operations Package (NuPOP)) which includes the COLR.  Engineers in our Nuclear Fuels section perform an 'Owners Acceptance Review' of the COLR (and all other related documents).  The COLR is then sent to our Licensing/Regulatory affairs section who submits to the NRC, and also to 'NDM' (Cook Plant Nuclear Document Management' department).  

William Ferguson
American Electric Power
Nuclear Fuels Group
500 Circle Drive
Buchanan, MI  49107-1373
(269) 697-5139

"Gore, Duane" <degore@STPEGS.COM>
Sent by:

01/05/2010 03:15 PM
Please respond to
PWR Reactivity Management <>

"'PWR Reactivity Management'" <>
[Pwrrm] Issuance of the COLR

We have been questioned by our Resident as to the timeliness of issuing the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR). We issue it after we approve our Reload Safety Evaluation report. Sometimes this is done before the refueling outage starts, other times it is just prior to core reload. Other than having it in place when the new core is loaded, we do not have any requirements on a lead-time. When we issue the COLR to the Plant we also issue it to Licensing and they do the formal transmittal to the NRC.
1.        When does your organization issue the COLR to the Plant (e.g., as needed, before the start of the outage, 3 months prior to the outage) ?
2.        How long after issuance to the Plant is the COLR sent to the NRC?
3.        What organization prepares and issues the COLR (e.g. core design, safety analysis, licensing, etc.)?
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Duane Gore
Supervisor, Reactor Engineering
(361) 972-8909
PWRRM mailing list

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