RETAQS is looking to offer an ONLINE Initial PWR RE Training course. This would consist of about 30 narrated Video modules covering all the usual RE tasks/duties as well as some fundamentals like Reactor Physics, Reactor Components, Applied  Thermo, Nuclear Instrumentation Systems etc.  Online Quizzes and a final cumulative Exam would be provided to document successful completion of the training.


This email is to ascertain if there is anyone  interested in this type of training and if they would be willing to participate in its development.

A discount would be offered to a participant providing module reviews/comments and supplying current procedures /documents to be used  in the modules development.


Time frame is to have it in place and available by the end of this year.

Presentations for many of the topics already exist as Refreshers I have taught or Continuing Training Modules I developed so this will not require the development of every topic from a blank page, but rather a updating and rework of the many existing modules for its intended purpose.





Ken Pike

(610) 277-8991 x 253