
Beaver Valley (FENOC) response attached.

Anthony (A.R.) Burger
Supervisor, Reactor Engineering
FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station
Phone: (724) 682-4108
Cell: (724) 601-3224
FAX: (724) 682-4250
Email: aburger@firstenergycorp.com

From:        <edward.mcvey@exeloncorp.com>
To:        <pwrrm@retaqs.com>
Date:        09/27/2011 06:04 PM
Subject:        [Pwrrm] Exelon Survey on Vendor Reload Product "Acceptance Reviews"        performed by Utilities
Sent by:        pwrrm@retaqs.com

Please respond in the attached WORD Document.  We’d appreciate responses by October 4 if possible.  This is to support a Common Cause Analysis that we are currently performing in our Nuclear Fuels Department.  We’re looking at Vendor Technical Errors that made it through our review/acceptance process and into documents like COLR’s, input decks, Curve Books, etc.  Thanks for your assistance.
Ed McVey

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