FENOC PWRs (Beaver Valley and Davis-Besse) currently utilize the following:


Unplanned Reactivity Change Caused by Equipment Problem or Personnel Error
ž        Reactor Power Change < 0.5% RTP When >5% RTP
Reactivity Change < 100 pcm (based on 10 deg temp change) When ˜ 5% RTP


Unplanned Reactivity Change Caused by Equipment Problem or Personnel Error
ž        Reactor Power Change ™ 0.5% RTP When > 5% RTP
Reactivity Change ™ 150 pcm (based on 10 deg temp change) When ˜ 5% RTP

We need to revise to 150 pcm for the cut-off. Based on results of this survey, we may also revise, or this may be something for the PWROG Reactivity Management Task Team to address...

Anthony (A.R.) Burger
Supervisor, Reactor Engineering
FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station
Phone: (724) 682-4108
Cell: (724) 601-3224
FAX: (724) 682-4250
Email: aburger@firstenergycorp.com

From:        ddgoff@aep.com
To:        pwrrm@retaqs.com
Date:        12/28/2010 02:54 PM
Subject:        [Pwrrm] values of "x" for PI
Sent by:        pwrrm@retaqs.com

What values of "x" are plants using for example criteria 3.9 and 4.6 in the PWR Reactivity Management Performance Indicator PI?

David Goff
Reactor Engineer
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant
269-465-5901 x1465
PWRRM mailing list

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