DCPP response–


What kind of RPI system do you have (ARPI, DRPI)?  - DCPP has DRPI.


       Where do you hook the Rod Drop System to?  - Combination of Rod Control and DRPI panels inside containment.


What kind of Rod Drop Timing system do you have? – We currently use a vendor (contract) system.

       Is it permanently installed, will it take data at all times?  - Temporary system that is removed at the completion of testing.


Do you have a contractor come in and do the measurement?  - Yes.

       Who is your contractor? – AMS.


What organization performs the test (Reactor Engineering, MTI, Operations, etc)? – Joint effort between Operations, I&C Maintenance, I&C Engineering and Reactor Engineering.


When do you perform the rod drops (in parallel with CRDM Time Response Testing, in parallel with physics testing, etc) – Generally testing is performed after rod current order testing and DRPI functionals, before physics when we do Mode 2 physics testing or during physics if we do subcritical testing (currently subcritical testing is on hold pending resolution of unrelated issues).


How labor intensive is your process from setup to dropping to analysis (fully automated with little setup, very little automation and a lot of setup, etc.)? – In between.  Requires physical hookups that are completed off critical path and then removal of test hookups after test is complete.  Techs are usually on it as soon as we’re done testing and confirm results.  The vendor system can obtain data on all rods on both trains, so the test is basically initial hookup, pull rods, drop rods, remove equipment.  IIRC, hookup and tear down run a few hours to a half shift each




Mark Mayer

DCPP Reactor Engineering


From: PWRRM [mailto:pwrrm-bounces@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of ddgoff@aep.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:54 AM
To: pwrrm@retaqs.com
Cc: rmserocke-anderson@aep.com; gmbradham@aep.com
Subject: [Pwrrm] Rod Drop Timing System


DC Cook has a Rod Drop System that we created ~16 years ago and have upgraded over the years.
Our system cannot take over 5 volts, so we have to turn power off to the RPIs prior to hooking up the 53 cables to the RPI Test Points
We have the ARPI system
We are looking at reliability and shorter outages and want to see what others are using and who performs the test.

So for Rod Drop Timing Tests:
What kind of RPI system do you have (ARPI, DRPI)?
        Where do you hook the Rod Drop System to?

What kind of Rod Drop Timing system do you have?
        Is it permanently installed, will it take data at all times?
Do you have a contractor come in and do the measurement?
        Who is your contractor?

What organization performs the test (Reactor Engineering, MTI, Operations, etc)?

When do you perform the rod drops (in parallel with CRDM Time Response Testing, in parallel with physics testing, etc)

How labor intensive is your process from setup to dropping to analysis (fully automated with little setup, very little automation and a lot of setup, etc.)?

Glen M Bradham, 269-465-5901 X1538

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