Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2 response:
Beaver Valley had grid to rod fretting fuels 2-3 cycles ago, however these did not create a large increase in tramp since these are tight defects and primarily radiogases escapes from the fuel rods. We did have an open defect that caused the loss of material many years ago at Unit 1 (1986) and we actually vacuumed the bottom of the reactor vessel. I believe this was a baffle jetting fuel failure. Other than the latest chemistry shutdown initiatives, we have not performed any other activities specifically for tramp reduction.
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email: m Sent by: To "PWR Reactivity Management" cc 09/17/2008 11:05 AM Subject [Pwrrm] Tramp or background Reduction Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
Hello all,
at Cook Unit 1, we experienced 7 fuel defects in the previous fuel cycle, so our 'tramp' or 'background' levels are a little higher than we have seen in recent history.
Has anyone made attempts to reduce the 'background' or 'tramp' levels at their site?
William Ferguson American Electric Power Nuclear Fuels and Safety Analysis (269) 697-5139
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