Qualification questionnaire.
Sorry for the potential duplications…
Is there a requirement to have an oral board
prior to becoming a QRxe?
If an oral board is required, is the oral
board objective or subjective in nature?
Sidebar: WBN and SQN are
trying to implement a oral board qualification process for the final
certification of PWR RxE’s. Currently, we both have task oriented
qualification cards. The intent of the final oral board is to verify that
the QRxE candidate is well versed in the important RxE topics and able to work
independently(and able to advise Operations in the control room). At WBN,
the QRxE oral board was originally a remnant of STA qualification process (all
RxE’s were STA’s in the Operations). The QRxE oral board was
removed in 2005 due to training concerns that it was too subjective and could
cause potential legal ramifications.
If an oral board is required, is there a monetary
reward for passing the board or maintaining qualified status?
What happens when the QRxE candidate does not pass the
oral board (is there formal remediation and eventually another oral board, can
the QRxE candidate still be qualified as a RxE, etc.).
Thanks in advance for your responses,
C. Dale Greer
TVA WBN RxE Manager
Office :423-365-3834