Dealing with Both BWR and PWR in my current job points out
a glaring difference between the BWR and PWR Reload Testing and Power Ascension
programs. BWR generally only verify SDM and do not do any other Low Power
Physics testing such as ITC/MTC, Zero Power Flux Maps, Boron End Point
(Reactivity Anomaly) etc.
I have found Reg Guide 1.68 that applies to Initial New
Reactor Testing requirements Appendix A.3 and A.4 , but have found no such Reg
Guide for Reload Testing Requirements.
ANSI/ANS 19.6.1 "Reload Startup Physics Tests for PWR" is
generally referenced in procedures.
Where does the NRC endorse the 19.6.1 as acceptable,
and to meet the requirements of what
Has anyone tried to remove the LPPT program or reduce it
to just SDM (Rodworth)?