Fort Calhoun Station has run into a delay with respect to Dry Cask storage operations.
Our cask crane has issues preventing us from removing the canister and transfer cask from the SFP.
Our concerns are as follows:
- Leaving the TC and DSC in the pool for an extended length of time.
- The fuel is in the DSC with spacers installed, (spacers ha flow holes)
- Placing the spacers on the SFP racks above fuel assemblies (if we want to move fuel back to the SFP)
- Has anyone had similar issues?
- What other concerns would you have?
J. E. Willett
Joseph E. Willett, P.E.
Principal Reactor Engineer-Fuel
Nuclear Operations Division
Omaha Public Power District Phone: (402) 533-7213
Fort Calhoun Station Pager: (402) 561-3899
9610 Power Lane FAX: (402) 533-6747
Blair, NE 68008
Mail Station: FC-1-1 Plant
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