At Catawba for BOC startup we attempt to go critical by control bank withdrawal with control bank D approximately 120 pcm inserted, to be close to desired condition for physics testing. If we do not achieve criticality on rod withdrawal we dilute.
For mid-cycle startups we adjust RCS boron before control bank withdrawal and then withdraw control banks to go critical. We do not have contingency to dilute to critical.
Dan Wellbaum Reactor Engineering Catawba Nuclear Station
From: PWRRM [] On Behalf Of Kenneth Pike Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 3:08 PM To: Subject: [Pwrrm] final approach to critical, boron dilute or pull rods?
Do you still position rods and dilute to critical during initial startup after a refueling? On a mid cycle startup do you dilute to critical boron then pull rods to critical or position control rod at estimated critical position and dilute to critical? TVA is interested in what method other plants are using to achieve criticality.
Ken Pike (610) 277-8991 x 253