The responses from NAPS are below in RED.

Bobby Speckine

 Fuel Handling Supervisor  NAPS


From: [] On Behalf Of WILLETT, JOSEPH E
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:29 AM
Subject: [Pwrrm] Electronic Benchmarking - Fuel Handling Issues


We apologize for the lengthy list, but we’re trying  get the year started off right and wrap-up from a late fall outage.


Fort Calhoun Station

Reactor Engineering is looking to benchmark a few items


  1. Do your stations fuel handling machines require fall protection? [Stanley, William S (TMI)] Yes, while getting on or off the bridge.  Don't need fall protection once actually on the bridge, unless there is a need to climb off the normal walking paths (to check brakes and cables, for example). (NAPS) We use fall protection around the cavity area when the water level is greater than 10 ft down from the operating deck. If the water level is less than 10 ft below the deck life vests are required. Once on the crane (behind the handrails) fall protection is not required.

a.      If yes, what measures are taken?  Netting, harnesses, etc.[Stanley, William S (TMI)]   Life vests or climbing harnesses may be used to get to the bridge.  No nets (NAPS) We do not use any nets. Harness tie offs are provided from cables along the S/G bio walls with retractable lanyards.

b.      If using netting, where is it attached?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  N/A  (NAPS) N/A

c.       If using fall protection, where are the tie-offs?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Tie-off for the climbing harness is a cable along the walkway to the bridge.  When climbing on the bridge, tie-off is to bridge structure. (NAPS) See 1a above.


  1. What are you requirements for fuel movement in the Spent Fuel Pool?

d.      Continuous communications with Control Room? If yes, SRO, RO., Other.[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Fuel movement in SFP requires initial approval by the Control Room, but NOT continuous communication during movement.  During refueling (offload/reload), the SF bridge crew is in continuous communication w/ the FH SRO, who is stationed in the Reactor Building on the Main Fuel Handling Bridge, and the Control Room (RO) who is directing the move sequence. (NAPS) We are required to maintain constant communications with the MCR from the Manipulator Crane in containment during fuel movement. The FB is also in constant communication with the MCR and containment. The SRO in containment is also in constant communication with the MCR. We do not use an SRO in the FB however we do have a FB supervisor who is also in the communication loop.

e.      Do you require oversight on the spent fuel handling machine (SRO, RO, Other)?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  For "isolated" SFP operations, SRO supervises movements. (NAPS) We utilize the SRO’s and fuel advisors (vendors) as “spotters”. The fuel moves are directed from the MCR and tracked using Fuel Handling Reports (move sheets) by all station operators. The SRO’s and FB supervisors are the independent verifiers for these moves.    

f.       Is your procedure Continuous Use, Information Use or Reference Use?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Continuous use. (NAPS) Our controlling procedure for all Refueling activities is continuous use. Our operating procedures (crane, FH tools, etc) are reference use. 

g.      Do you utilize Vendors?  If so, what additional oversight is required?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  During refueling outages, bridges are operated by mix of vendor and company personnel (company personnel are part of the Reactor Services group, who travel from plant to plant for outages).  Company personnel provide oversight. (NAPS) All of our equipment and fuel handling activities are done by site personnel (Ops Support). We do use Stearns Rogers crane techs and fuel advisors. These folks are under the direction of the Ops Support group and we provide any vendor oversight required.


  1. What type of underwater lights do you use for normal Spent Fuel Pool Lighting?

h.      Style: drop light or mounted[Stanley, William S (TMI)]   Mounted on the wall (NAPS) Mounted lights along the SFP wall. Drop lights if additional lighting is needed.

i.        Vendor:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  ROS (NAPS) Mounted lights are ROS HP 1000. Drop lights are Master-Lee 2000 watt

j.        How many:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Enough to see all fuel assemblies in the SFP (NAPS) We use 3 single head lights + 2 double head inspection lights at the exit of each transfer canal + 1 single head light at the upender end of each transfer canal + 1 single head light in the cask pit area. Drop lights as needed.

k.      Spacing:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  about 25 feet apart (NAPS) About 25-30 feet apart

l.        Ballasts: above water or submerged?[Stanley, William S (TMI)] Submerged (NAPS) Submerged


  1. What type of underwater lights do you use for normal Reactor Cavity Lighting?

m.    Style:  drop light or mounted[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Temporary mounted lights above core, drop lights at the bottom of the core resting on the core plate. (NAPS) We have wall mounted lights along the cavity wall. We use drop lights in vessel.

n.      Vendor:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Unknown (NAPS) ROS HP 1000, Master-Lee 2000 watt drop lights

o.      How many:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Two mounted above, one or two in the bottom (NAPS) Cavity 8, Transfer Canal 1. Drop lights are used as needed. We also have ROS HP 1000 core plate lights that are used during core re-load.

p.      Spacing:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  Mounted lights above core are 180 deg apart (NAPS) Placed as needed. These lights are movable.

q.      Ballasts: above water or submerged?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  submerged. (NAPS) Above water


  1. What type of underwater lights do you use for supplemental lighting? If Necessary.

r.       If so what would require the additional lighting? (NAPS) Drop lights are used for lighting the top of the core during  off-load and also used during on-load to illuminate the tops of the baffles. Additional lighting is also used during any video inspections (FOSAR, etc) if the camera lights do not provide adequate lighting.

s.       Style:   drop light or mounted[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  on underwater camera poles (NAPS) Drop lights (Master-Lee 2000 watt or pencil lights 500 watt for below the core plate.

t.       Vendor:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  (camera) (NAPS) See 5s above

u.      How many:[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  typically dual light (NAPS) As needed

v.      Spacing: (NAPS) As needed

w.     Ballasts: above water or submerged?[Stanley, William S (TMI)]  submerged. (NAPS) Our drop lights do not have any ballasts. Our core plate lights do have above water ballasts.



J. E. Willett



Joseph E. Willett, P.E.      

Principal Reactor Engineer-Fuel

Nuclear Operations Division




  Omaha Public Power District           Phone:  (402) 533-7213

  Fort Calhoun Station                  Pager:   (402) 561-3899

  9610  Power Lane                       FAX:      (402) 533-6747

  Blair, NE  68008

  Mail Station: FC-1-1 Plant

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