From: Hawes, Mark W
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:22 AM
Subject: FW: [Pwrrm]
At Catawba (Westinghouse-4 loop) we
don’t have issues with DRPI (rod position indication) associated with rx
vessel head ventilation. We do, however, withdraw each control rod beyond
“end of travel” . . . hard stop position is 231 Steps Wd at CNS, so
rods are withdrawn to indicated position of 235. The rods are then
reinserted to specified fully withdrawn (parked) positions.
This evolution is performed upon reaching
full power following any unit shutdown which required reactor trip breakers to
be opened. The acknowledged problem being 1 to 2 steps of uncertainty
with regard to where drive rods are engaged, and withdrawn from, when breakers
are reclosed.
Mark Hawes
CNS Reactor Engineering
(803) 831-3855
From: Keller, Lee A
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008
1:47 PM
To: Hawes, Mark W
Subject: FW: [Pwrrm]
Pls address
From: [] On Behalf Of VANCE, KEVIN
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008
4:29 PM
Subject: [Pwrrm]
Do you step control rods to the end-of-travel to verify rod position
for a Rod Position Indication outside of limits? If not, what method is
used to verify rod position prior to adjusting indication?