Beaver Valley responses:
1. Since each unit has its own Performance Idicator for RM, a generic issue would impact both units.
2. N/A
3. Your approach appears appropriate.
4. Based on the PWROG event coding, the damaged assembly event would match an SL4. However, per the PWROG guidance a lower level item can be elevated to a higher level based on "contributing circumstances such event severity and consequences, humand performance issues, or other reasons as desired".
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email:
"Fago, Carl D" <Carl.Fago@duke-e> To Sent by: "" cc
04/06/2010 01:01 Subject PM [Pwrrm] PWROG RM Coding Questions
Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
During our transition to the use of the PWROG RM event coding, several questions arose and we’d like to get some feedback on how others are handling similar issues. Specifically…
1. For multi-unit sites, if there is an issue generic to all units (e.g., vendor core design analysis method error), are you applying the “hit” to all applicable units equally? 2. For those sites with dry storage (or event multi-unit sites with dry storage), how are you addressing issues with cask transport to dry storage (e.g., while transporting a cask the trailer/transporter breaks)? Is this an issue of less than adequate fuel handling equipment performance while handling fuel or control component (no fuel/component damage), L5? If so, for multi-unit sites, which unit would get the RM hit based on dry storage? 3. ONS has a shared fuel pool between Unit 1 and 2. For fuel handling practices / equipment issues, we are proposing to apply any RM hit against the unit to which the specific fuel assembly or control component last operated. As far as we can tell, there is no “hit” if the fuel bridge or other equipment fails when fuel is not being handled, therefore, there will always be a unit that can be associated with the event. 4. ONS Fuel Damage Event (SEN-280) has been classified as L4 based on fuel handling that results in damage to fuel assembly or control component. While the RM level isn’t indicative of the organizational significance of the event, this is the classification we came up with. Any comment or insights into how others might classify this event? (While we weren’t “handling fuel” at the time, we conservatively said it met the intent.) Note that there was no specific RM impact in the event (again, this was a big event for ONS but we’re specifically focusing on RM for this question.)
Thanks in advance for all the feedback!
Carl D. Fago Reactor Engineering Supervisor Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas Phone: (864) 873-3047 Fax: (864) 873-3374 Email: _______________________________________________ PWRRM mailing list
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