From: Bojduj, William []
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: Power Ascension Flux Mapping for Westinghouse PWRs


RE folks:


I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following three questions for your Westinghouse PWRs:


(1) Do you perform a flux map at ~30% RTP and ~50% RTP? 


(2) How long do you stabilize before collecting MIDS data at these plateaus? 


(3) What is the basis for the stabilization times?


Best Regards,
Bill Bojduj

Diablo Canyon Power Plant
Senior Advisory Engineer

Reactor Engineering

P.O. Box 56
Mail Stop 104/4/4B
Avila Beach, CA 93424
(Fax: 805-545-6992)