At V. C. Summer if it were ever necessary to perform a manual calorimetric our procedure states that feedwater enthalpy is to be based on the enthalpy of saturated liquid from the saturated steam temperature table using feedwater temperature instrumentation.
William H. Bell, PE Chemical Engineer Reactor Engineering V. C. Summer Station South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. 803-345-4389
From: [] On Behalf Of Kenneth R Pike Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 9:10 AM To: Subject: [Pwrrm] Manual calorimetric Feedwater Enthalpy determination
What method do you use to assign an Enthalpy to Feedwater, given FW Temperature and S/G pressure when using your backup Manual calculation?
Do you use compressed liquid steam tables at a single pressure and iterate on the temperature to assign a value, or iterate on both temp and pressure.
If you use a single value of pressure, is it nominal full power S/G press or something different?
Ken Pike (610) 277-8991 Ext.253