Most of the spreadsheets that are used per our procedures (reactivity anomaly, NI single point calibration, manual calorimetric) are quality programs (QA qualified).  For those programs, the normal practice is to have an independent verification of the inputs to the qualified program.  We usually attached the signed inputs page to the procedure using the program.  But we do have a few spreadsheets that are not qualified that are used.  One takes the raw data from the plant computer and formats it for the qualified program.  The preparer verifies the input against the hard data and the reviewer does an independent verification.  It was determined to not be worth the time to qualify this spreadsheet in this case.  The procedure has a signoff for the IV. 


If we use a spreadsheet to do manual calculations (taking the average of hours of data, for instance), then the reviewer will perform some type of independent verification to confirm the results (recreating the spreadsheet and matching results, verifying the equations in the existing spreadsheet and checking the calculations, or using another independent method of verify the results-like the NIST tables). 


Adina LaFrance


The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.  -Albert Einstein


Nuclear Analysis & Fuel

Reactor Engineer

Surry Power Station


Phone: 757-365-2658

Pager #: 4290


From: [] On Behalf Of Gore, Duane
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 2:22 PM
To: 'PWR Reactivity Management'
Subject: [Pwrrm] Use of Spreadsheets for Surveillances


We at STP use spreadsheets to perform surveillance calculations. The results are then independently verified by a second engineer using an independently generated spreadsheet. Neither spreadsheet has been formally verified per our station Software Quality Assurance procedure. In cases where the results are used without further verification, we do properly QA the spreadsheets (usually in the cases where other groups use the spreadsheets).


Our QA department is of the opinion that at least one of these spreadsheets used for surveillances must by fully verified and documented per our station Software Quality Assurance procedure.


It would help my case if I could cite other Rae’s practices with regards to the use of spreadsheets. What is the practice at your plant?


Thank you,



Duane Gore

Supervisor, Reactor Engineering



(361) 972-8909


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