Does your site have any guidance on how you would grade a
legacy issue, such as: NO, Probably a good topic for the next RMTT
Would you grade it in RM space if it is a calculation that
is still in effect? If the document is still in effect, then YES
If the document is beyond a certain age, would that change
the grading? If the document is still in effect then, I would apply RM guidelines
regardless of age.
If the document had been in use, was removed from use, then
the error discovered, would you grade it in RM space? By the
"book" if it affected the previous 12 months, then it would impact
the index for the affected months. I tink some judgement needs to be
applied if the calc is no longer in effect. What was the nature/impact of
the error? Was it corrected? Could it happen again? Again probably a
topic for RMTT and your RMOB. I do think that penalizing yourself for an
old issue is pointless, I'm just not sure how far back I would go.
Paul V. Gurney
Engineering Supervisor
[] On Behalf Of Adina K Lafrance
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 3:32 PM
Subject: [Pwrrm] Reactivity Management Grading
Good Afternoon all,
We recently had a discussion on site about how to grade a
reactivity management legacy issue in a calculation.
Does your site have any guidance on how you would grade a
legacy issue, such as:
Would you grade it in RM space if it is a calculation that
is still in effect?
If the document is beyond a certain age, would that change
the grading?
If the document had been in use, was removed from use, then
the error discovered, would you grade it in RM space?
Thank you in advance.
Analysis and Fuels, Surry Power Station
757-365-2658; Internal: 8-798-2658
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