We would most likely stop the maneuver but keep ASI in band – a balance of the two.
Clint Alday
Waterford 3
-----Original Message-----
From: pwrrm@retaqs.com
[mailto:pwrrm@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of Mark_Dicus@fpl.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008
5:18 PM
To: pwrrm@retaqs.com
Subject: [Pwrrm] Power Maneuvers
and Shift Turnover
At Turkey Point, we normally schedule downpowers so
they don't cross shift turnover. Recently, however, we had an emergent
downpower that was in progress at shift turnover. At the time, the reactivity
plan called for rod insertion every 15 minutes for axial power distribution
control. During shift turnover (about 30 minutes), Ops did not move rods, so
the axial shape diverged from predicted. It was still in the target band, but
more positive than we wanted. (And it stayed more positive the rest of the way
down.) Based on this experience, I wanted to find out how other sites manage
Ops shift turnover during power changes. Does your site keep turnover time
sacred with no reactivity changes, do you make maintaining the core "on
track" a priority, or do you balance the two?
Mark Dicus
PTN Reactor Engineering