A recent Quick-Hit Self-Assessment of the Reactivity Management Program at D. C. Cook revealed a shortcoming in the way we track low-level reactivity management issues and drive them to resolution. Low-level reactivity management issues (i.e. blowdown, thermal
power calculation, and main feedpump D/P) are carried in the Reactivity Management Oversight Committee (RMOC) meeting minutes, however there is no formal tracking method for issues identified in RMOC meetings and providing traceability for issues forward to
the Plant Health Committee. The reason for this communication is to benchmark the industry in an effort to develop a formal method for tracking these issues.
What is the process or mechanism your organization uses to track low-level reactivity management issues and drive them to resolution?
Thank you for your time.
Tim Siefer
Senior Reactor Operator
Unit Supervisor
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant