Beaver Valley response:
Currently, both Beaver Valley Units perform a core reload verification following reactor reload using a camera.We recently "up-graded" to a radiation hardened ROS D-40 camera that the refueling vendor brought with them. Previously, we utilized a non-radiation hardened ROS and/or Elmira. The ROS D-40 seemed to allow a quicker core verification process. The verification takes just under 2 hours, including camera setup after reload is complete.
Usually have two individuals on the refueling floor are performing verification. Fuel assembly IDs are read to person in core room that verifies correct location and ID. We also look for an unusual gaps based on the recent SEN, etc
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email: Sent by: To cc 11/23/2010 09:17 AM Subject [Pwrrm] SNM inventory question
Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
DC Cook is looking at efficiencies during the outages. We are trying to minimize activities associated with reload.
For those of you who do the Core SNM Inventory as you load the fuel. What is the process you use, camera check of serial number and camera check of the core when you put it in the core? How many people do the video check, one on line and one later, two online, or just one? Where do the checkers sit, in the office, in a camera room?
Can you share you SNM procedure on your core Inventory?
Glen M Bradham, 269-465-5901 X1538 _______________________________________________ PWRRM mailing list
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