IPEC as "b" below.
R. Hansler IPEC Superintendent Reactor Engineering 914-734-6868
1. Who performs the 1/M during approach to critical? Operators or REs? b. Reactor Engineers 2. Are the RE's an integral member of the team or in an oversite role (review ECCs and 1/M's)? b. Integral, perform portion of the pre-job brief. 3. Who performs the ECC (ECP), RE or the STA or the SRO? b. Reactor Engineering will perform using BEACON, NuPOPs and/or hand, Operation required to independently check via hand calc. 4. Who reviews the ECC, (ECP), RE or the STA or the SRO? b. See 3 5. How many people HAVE to review the ECC? b. See 3. 6. Does Ops assign a reactivity management SRO to major reactivity changes (SU, maneuver up and down, 75% and back to 100%? b. No 7. Are all Rx start ups IPTE's (Infrequently Performed Test or Evolutions)? b. Yes. 8. How many plants have pre-developed reactivity plans (ReMA's) in the control room for rapid downpowers? b. IPEC has pre-defined reactivity plans from BEACON Load-Swing. Maintained in a book in each CCR and updated monthly. 9. How often are they updated? b. Monthly 10. Are recurring work orders "flagged" electronically to alert the operators to evolutions that may impact reactivity management? b. No. Each work package gets screened by an SRO for reactivity impact. This is relatively subjective and may get different results for different SRos. 11. Does RE and Ops meet after RM evolutions for a post job critique? b. Same. BEACON has the capability to compare predicted vs actual reactivity parameters. Reactor engineering usually reviews and forwards to the operating team that performed for info. 12. If so, for all power maneuvers, only major ones (i.e. 0-100%)? b. Pretty much all maneuvers that have reactivity plans developed for them.