1. Do
your stations fuel handling machines require fall protection? One
side of the manipulator crane requires fall protection prior to flood up
of the refueling cavity. After flood up, a life vest is acceptable.
a. If
yes, what measures are taken? Netting, harnesses, etc.
b. If
using netting, where is it attached?
c. If
using fall protection, where are the tie-offs? There is a cable running
the width of the bridge.
2. What
are you requirements for fuel movement in the Spent Fuel Pool? Continuous
communication capability between the control room and the spent fuel pool
bridge, spent fuel pool area supervisor, and fuel transfer system operator.
d. Continuous
communications with Control Room? If yes, SRO, RO., Other.
e. Do
you require oversight on the spent fuel handling machine (SRO, RO, Other)?
Spent Fuel Pool Area Supervisor.
f. Is
your procedure Continuous Use, Information Use or Reference Use? The core
shuffle physics data sheet is continuous. The rest is reference.
g. Do
you utilize Vendors? Yes. If so, what additional oversight
is required? SRO in containment, Spent Fuel Pool Area Supervisor
(reporting to the SRO) at the pool
3. What
type of underwater lights do you use for normal Spent Fuel Pool Lighting?
h. Style:
drop light or mounted Mounted
i. Vendor:
j. How
many: 9
k. Spacing:
about 25 feet max.
l. Ballasts:
above water or submerged? submerged
4. What
type of underwater lights do you use for normal Reactor Cavity Lighting?
m. Style:
drop light or mounted Mounted
n. Vendor:
Hydro Vision
o. How
many: 6
p. Spacing:
q. Ballasts:
above water or submerged? N/A
5. What
type of underwater lights do you use for supplemental lighting? If Necessary.
r. If
so what would require the additional lighting?
s. Style:
drop light or mounted Drop Lights
t. Vendor:
u. How
many: As required
v. Spacing:
As required
w. Ballasts:
above water or submerged? N/A
Jim Greendonner
Refueling Project Manager
Cook Nuclear Plant
American Electric Power Nuclear Generation Group