A survey from TVA. Please be sure and respond directly to
Kathleen Cunningham (kacunningham@tva.gov). Thanks.
Ed McVey
From: Cunningham, Kathleen Anne
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011
9:47 AM
To: McVey, Edward A.:(GenCo-Nuc)
Cc: Keck, James M; Faulkner, Craig
S; Kniedler, Gregory S; Barnes, Steven A
Subject: Feedback on quantifying
SNM due to leaking fuel rod
Hi Ed
– hope you are doing well.
I noticed your name as the RCRC Chairman so I was wondering if
you could forward on the following request for feedback from the other BWROG
We have a step in our corporate TVA procedure on Special
Nuclear Material that requires us to quantify the amount of fuel rod pellets/fragments
if fuel washout has occurred from a leaking fuel rod. We have been introduced
to handbooks from Advanced Nuclear Technology who have developed
PWRFUELRELEASE 1.0 and BWRFUELRELEASE 2.0, computer models to assess the amount
of fissile materials and tramp uranium on core surfaces. This in turn would
help us quantify the amount of SNM “displaced” from the fuel rods.
We are looking to incorporate these methodologies in our procedure but I was
wondering if any other utilities have done this already and if so, would be
willing to share their thoughts and possibly their implementation procedures.
Also, if they do not quantify the amount of SNM from a leaking fuel rod, please
provide thoughts/justification for not providing this info per SNM reporting requirements.
Kathleen Cunningham
Manager, Fuel Program Oversight and Fuel Inventory
Nuclear Fuel Engineering
423.751.3094 w
423.486.5911 m