Waterford responses below - almost exactly the same as ANO, differences due to RE staff size and year round refueling group at ANO.
1. What role, if any, does Quality Assurance or Quality Control play in the fuel receipt process? Specifically, do they perform any inspections, review paperwork, etc?
None. QA usually does spot checks associated with new fuel receipt/procedure completion, but is not directly required for new fuel receipt.
2. What is the purpose the new fuel inspection activity? Is the new fuel receipt inspection considered an inspection for "shipping or handling damage" or it is a traditional receipt inspection?
This inspection is for shipping and handling damage, as well as to look for debris, grid issues, etc.
3. Who does "inspection" (i.e. Reactor Engineering, QA/QC, Maintenance, shared resources, etc.)?
Reactor Engineering and shared resources perform the inspections.
4. What specific role(s) does Rx Engineer perform?
Reactor Engineering performs inspections, determines the location for new fuel, and provides oversight of the new fuel receipt process.
5. Who unloads shipping containers?
Mechanical maintenance under the direction of the refueling supervisor or reactor engineering.
6. Does your plant utilize the same process for fuel receipt at the site as other procured material?
No. Other procured materials go through the warehouse.
7. Does your plant require the fuel receipt personnel to be ANSI/ASME N45.2.6 qualified, and at what level? If not required to be qualified to the N45.2.6, why not?
Not currently as its not required under current QA program manuals. Entergy is examining the applicability of ANSI/ASME N45.2.6 to our fuel receipt inspections and whether it would benefit the receipt process or if it is required.