Answers are provided to each question below. If you need more information, contact me. Answers are for Wolf Creek.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:42 AM To:; Cc: Subject: [Pwrrm] New Fuel Receipt Questions
RETAQS was having problems with their mail server when I sent this survey the first time. Since I got no responses, I am resending it.
FENOC is trying to develop a standard fuel receipt process between BWRs/PWRs. To that end, I have some questions on how fuel receipt is done at your plants:
1. What role, if any, does Quality Assurance or Quality Control play in the fuel receipt process? Specifically, do they perform any inspections, review paperwork, etc?
QA provides no role except to audit procedure changes if any. QC performs the official inspection of the fuel assemblies.
2. What is the purpose the new fuel inspection activity? Is the new fuel receipt inspection considered an inspection for "shipping or handling damage" or it is a traditional receipt inspection?
Inspection is to verify fuel assemblies have sustained no damage during loading or unloading into the shipping containers. It also serves to inspect for any abnormalities that may have been missed at the fabrication process.
3. Who does “inspection” (i.e. Reactor Engineering, QA/QC, Maintenance, shared resources, etc.)?
Official inspection is performed by QC. Rx Engineer looks also as a second check but only takes care of the paper work requirements and directs the receipt process.
4. What specific role(s) does Rx Engineer perform?
Coordinates over-all receipt process and provides fuel move paperwork for storage in dry storage or spent fuel pool. Provides all necessary SNM accountability. Coordinates between Fuel Fabricator, Maintenance, and Operations personnel for unloading the containers and receiving them on site.
5. Who unloads shipping containers?
Operations and Maintenance provides the man power for the actual activity.
6. Does your plant utilize the same process for fuel receipt at the site as other procured material?
Pretty well the same with some exceptions because the containers cannot be opened until they are in the fuel building, so security and HP requirements are a little bit different.
7. Does your plant require the fuel receipt personnel to be ANSI/ASME N45.2.6 qualified, and at what level? If not required to be qualified to the N45.2.6, why not?
QC and RX are qualified. I do not know if there is a special requirement for Maintenance personnel. They are not specially qualified above their normal work except they go through the necessary pre-job briefs before they perform the activity. We keep the same Operations and Maintenance personnel for the entire new fuel receipt activity.
Once I compile this data, I'll send it out to everyone.
Mark Laris Reactor Engineering Supervisor Perry NPP 440-280-5143
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