See below answers for Byron (Exelon)
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Delk, Whiting S.
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:09 AM
Cc: Lemons, James F.
Subject: [Respvr] Ramp rates with and with out leaking fuel assemblies

Please provide your PWR fuel duty limitations (both sound and leaking fuel, increasing and decreasing power, etc.). 



No leaking Fuel/Start up after refueling:

    0 - 40%      no limit (15 %/hr is planned rate)
  40 - 75%      3 %/hr 
  75 -100%     0.5 %/hr 

Ramp rate up and Power break points at which ramp rate changs.


No leaking fuel Normal Operations:

   0 - 40%      no limit (15 %/hr is planned rate)
  40 - 75%      3 %/hr 
  75 -  90%        2 %/hr 
  90 -100%       1 %/hr 

Ramp rate down.

 100 - 0%      no limit (15 %/hr is planned rate)

Ramp rate (and break points) return to RTP.

 see above

Restrictions on Ramp rates with Leaking Fuel:

Ramp rate down.
  100 -  90%        3 %/hr 
    90 -  40%       10 %/hr 
   40 -    0%        15 %/hr 
 Ramp rate (and break points) return to RTP.
   0 - 20%      15 %/hr 
 20 - 40%        5 %/hr 
 40 - 75%        3 %/hr 
  75 -  90%        2 %/hr 
  90 -100%       1 %/hr 

Thanks for your assistance. I will repackage and send to responders. Thanks for your valuable time.

Whiting S. Delk

Reactor Engineering Supervisor

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 

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