From: rcrc@retaqs.com [mailto:rcrc@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of Tom Tomlinson Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 1:43 PM To: rcrc@retaqs.com; Pwrrm@retaqs.com; resupv@retaqs.com Cc: Paul R Gilles Subject: [RCRC] Fwd: Looking for peers for conduct of reactor engineeringself assessment
If you did not already receive this message, FENOC is looking for RE Peers to help with self-assessments. See message below. Please respond directly back to Paul at prgilles@firstenergycorp.com.
Tom Tomlinson
Begin forwarded message:
From: prgilles@firstenergycorp.com Date: June 4, 2012 1:31:01 PM EDT To: adam.bracke@exeloncorp.com, William.Buchanan@cengllc.com, bscatalanotto@tva.gov, Andrew.Cecchetti@aps.com, jeremy.a.custer@dom.com, Mike.Devoe@pgnmail.com, nicholas.domenico@cengllc.com, Erik.Flodin@aps.com, emfrazer@tva.gov, Meghan.Hahn@dom.com, Winston.Hamilton@duke-energy.com, Nicolas.Hernandez@duke-energy.com, kevin.houston@duke-energy.com, wscott.jackson@pgnmail.com, robert.jaffa@exeloncorp.com, Larry.James@duke-energy.com, adina.k.lafrance@dom.com, Jennifer.L.Meszaros@dom.com, Steve.Perrero@duke-energy.com, danny.powers@sce.com, david.punch@duke-energy.com, Jason.Schaefer@cengllc.com, Tom.Schleicher@dom.com, kyle.semmler@duke-energy.com, Robert.Stclair@duke-energy.com, Wtstackler@tva.gov, atate@entergy.com, brian.thompson3@pgnmail.com, Jonathon.Waldes@pgnmail.com, hester.wan@duke-energy.com, Ralph.Williams@duke-energy.com, drwilliamson@oppd.com, paul_gurney@flp.com, Cody.Lemons@luminant.com, JEEichenlaub@stpegs.com, edward.mcvey@exeloncorp.com, wrhayes@tva.gov, john.mckernan@pgnmail.com, mark.vandermyde@exeloncorp.com, kvanspeybroeck@energy-northwest.com, ljcovin@nppd.com, mark.budelier@exeloncorp.com, brad.lindley@nexteraenergy.com, lakem@dteenergy.com, wdrews1@entergy.com, wlong@entergy.com, cajames@southernco.com, james.krall@pseg.com, philip.hansett@exeloncorp.com, craig.hoffman@exeloncorp.com, todd.erickson@xenuclear.com, john.darweesh@cengllc.com, james.frank@exeloncorp.com, jason.murphy@exeloncorp.com, gjames1@entergy.com, david.schumacher@exeloncorp.com, jvukovi@entergy.com, jhirt@pplweb.com, elindsa@entergy.com Cc: msrupp@firstenergycorp.com, pmessman@firstenergycorp.com, spierce@firstenergycorp.com, dbkelley@firstenergycorp.com, chandlerl@firstenergycorp.com, rjborland@firstenergycorp.com, jdowney@firstenergycorp.com, nschlichting@firstenergycorp.com, shopper@firstenergycorp.com, kmedved@firstenergycorp.com, tguo@firstenergycorp.com, mumbel@firstenergycorp.com, etomlinson@firstenergycorp.com, srafferty@firstenergycorp.com, jlong@firstenergycorp.com, sspacek@firstenergycorp.com, pwbordley@firstenergycorp.com, aburger@firstenergycorp.com, kszellers@firstenergycorp.com Subject: Looking for peers for conduct of reactor engineering self assessment
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) will be conducting a fleet focused self assessment of Reactor Engineering from September 10 - 21 this year. The self assessment will include Reactor Engineering activities at Beaver Valley (2 unit, 3 loop Westinghouse PWR), Davis-Besse (Babcock & Wilcox PWR), and Perry (GE BWR 6).
We are looking for two external peers to assist with this self assessment, one PWR and one BWR knowledgeable. The ideal PWR peer would have both B&W and Westinghouse experience, but this is not mandatory. The ideal BWR peer would have BWR 6 experience, but also not mandatory.
Although the self assessment spans two weeks, industry peers will only be required to be present during the period of assessment specific to their technology area. The detailed schedule and assessment plan will be determined based on the input of all team members, once the team has been established.
Please feel free to forward this invitation. If you would like to participate, please respond to prgilles@firstenergycorp.com by Friday, June 15. Don't hesitate to call if you have questions. Thanks!
Paul Gilles Supervisor, Core Design & Physics Support FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (330) 315-6779 work (330) 314-6243 cell
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