We have recently measured an unexpected increase in silver in the RCS. Accordingly, does your plant(s) sample for cadmium and/or indium in the reactor coolant system? If so, what is a typical concentration?
Thank you,
Duane E. Gore, P.E Supervisor, Reactor Analysis Nuclear Fuel and Analysis Department STP Nuclear Operating Company
degore@stpegs.commailto:degore@stpegs.com (979) 318-6314 (c) (361) 972-8909 (w) (361) 972 -8081 (fax)
Chemistry department replied that we have never seen cadmium nor indium in RCS. The only other place I know that uses silver besides the control rods are the flange o-rings.
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC- Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email: aburger@firstenergycorp.commailto:aburger@firstenergycorp.com
From: Respvr respvr-bounces@retaqs.com On Behalf Of Gore, Duane Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2018 9:42 AM To: 'respvr@retaqs.com' respvr@retaqs.com Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Respvr] Cadmium in the Reactor Coolant System
We have recently measured an unexpected increase in silver in the RCS. Accordingly, does your plant(s) sample for cadmium and/or indium in the reactor coolant system? If so, what is a typical concentration?
Thank you,
Duane E. Gore, P.E Supervisor, Reactor Analysis Nuclear Fuel and Analysis Department STP Nuclear Operating Company
degore@stpegs.commailto:degore@stpegs.com (979) 318-6314 (c) (361) 972-8909 (w) (361) 972 -8081 (fax)
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