Question to Reactor Engineering Supervisors with respect to RIS 2007-021.
What type of time averaged values are used in your calorimetric program (e.g. 1 minute average, 5 minute average, etc)? What type of time averaging is used for either feed flow or steam flow which feeds your calorimetric program? Which of the time average calorimetric values are used to ensure compliance with your licensed thermal power limitations and the intent of RIS 2007-021? Have you made changes to your calorimetric procedures or methods as a result of the RIS? Is "Steady State" in reference to licensed thermal power defined at your plant?
Michael J. Fanguy Nuclear Analysis & Fuel Lead Reactor Engineer Surry Power Station Email: Phone: 757-365-2155 Pager #: 3453
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We have a number of computer points for thermal power. They include an instantaneous value, 1 minute average, 15 minute average, 1 hr and every even hour averages upto 12 hours. The feedwater flow is averaged over 10 minutes. If power exceeds our license limit on the 1 minute average the operators enter an off normal procedure. Reporting is based on the magnitude and duration of the overpower. No changes were made based on the RIS.
From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 4:03 PM To: RE Supervisors Cc:; Subject: [Respvr] RIS 2007-021 Compliance
Question to Reactor Engineering Supervisors with respect to RIS 2007-021.
What type of time averaged values are used in your calorimetric program (e.g. 1 minute average, 5 minute average, etc)? What type of time averaging is used for either feed flow or steam flow which feeds your calorimetric program? Which of the time average calorimetric values are used to ensure compliance with your licensed thermal power limitations and the intent of RIS 2007-021? Have you made changes to your calorimetric procedures or methods as a result of the RIS? Is "Steady State" in reference to licensed thermal power defined at your plant?
Michael J. Fanguy Nuclear Analysis & Fuel Lead Reactor Engineer Surry Power Station Email: Phone: 757-365-2155 Pager #: 3453
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