Byron and Braidwood have combined the 30% and 50% flux maps. Actually, we have several conditional statepoints, but we typically only perform a flux map at ~41% and ~100%. If we had BEACON inoperable and performed the first flux map < 40%, we would perform another flux map < 80% (rare).
We don't stabilize at all because BEACON handles the Xenon build-in and provides the "reference" values for the conditions that exist.
Kevin S. Elam
Reactor Engineer
Byron Station
Work Phone: (815)406-2247
Home Phone: (815)965-6065
-----Original Message-----
From: pwrrm-bounces(a) []
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 12:32 PM
To: pwrrm(a)
Subject: [Pwrrm] FW: Power Ascension Flux Mapping for Westinghouse PWRs
From: Bojduj, William []
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 1:26 PM
To: peter.moravek(a); pwrrm-bounces(a)
Subject: Power Ascension Flux Mapping for Westinghouse PWRs
RE folks:
I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following three questions for your Westinghouse PWRs:
(1) Do you perform a flux map at ~30% RTP and ~50% RTP?
(2) How long do you stabilize before collecting MIDS data at these plateaus?
(3) What is the basis for the stabilization times?
Best Regards,
Bill Bojduj ☺
Diablo Canyon Power Plant
Senior Advisory Engineer
Reactor Engineering
P.O. Box 56
Mail Stop 104/4/4B
Avila Beach, CA 93424
(Fax: 805-545-6992)
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