Beaver Valley responses provided below
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email:
<frank.trikur@exe> Sent by: To cc
07/16/2010 05:10 Subject PM [Pwrrm] PWR RE Training Assessment
Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
I’ve been tasked by our management to assess what other utilities are doing to qualify their PWR reactor engineers. To obtain this benchmarking information the following survey was developed. It would be appreciated to have your responses by the end of the month (July 2010).
1. Particularly important to me is how long does it typically take to train a new hire to become certified as a QNE? As a follow-on question, do you put the new hire on a schedule and track their progress? Do you provide them with any incentives? Do you provide them with incentives for on-time completion? Response - Training for a new hire would be 1 to 1.5 years. None in process right now, but one a few years ago took about one year, although he had a few years experience at another plant prior to coming to BV. No incentives provided.
2. What initial training do you give to your new hires? (e.g., General employee training, system training, blueprint reading, chemistry, etc..) Response - General Employee, systems, and then reactor engineering specific qualifications (Job Performance Requirements - JPR).
3. How many RE’s per year are typically trained? Do you coordinate training for a group of RE’s to be trained or do you qualify them individually? Response - As needed basis. Right now no one.Do not coordinate, we replace as personnel leave, retire, etc.
4. Do you have internal process/procedures that you follow to qualify or certify the reactor engineers? Response - There is a specific JPR for reactor engineers, however all training is through our training process. Systems training is generic to all engineers.
5. Do you provide each new hire with a dedicated mentor through their qualification? Response - Yes
6. Does the qualification process include both classroom and performance (or experience) based objectives? Response - Yes
Note that I use the term qualified nuclear engineer (QNE) to indicate that the reactor engineer is qualified/certified.
7. Do you have your own QNE training classes or do you use a vendor for QNE training? If you use a vendor, who do you use? Response - There are virtually no training classes. All Systems training is by CBT with plant walkdowns. The JPR for RE is mostly performance andread/discuss type items. The only vendor supplied classroom trainingis on our core monitoring software.
8. How do you cover core monitoring code proficiency (monitoring and predicts)? Response - Vendor classroom for use of software, then a demonstrates item for actually using the software for surveillances, reactivity plan, etc.
9. If applicable, how much simulator time or training with operations is required prior to being qualified? Response - No requirement, however some of the demonstrates can be performed on the Simulator such as Low Power Physics Testing. There is an annual continuing training requirement to perform at least one Simulator JITT with operations personnel.
10. Does QNE qualification include special nuclear material control or custodial qualifications or do you treat this separate from the QNE? Response - Yes, but is part of RE JPR
11. After the RE completes all the training and experience objectives, does the RE have to obtain a final approval by an oral review board? If this is the case, who comprises the board? Response - No
12. If there is a need for remediation to obtain final approval, how is this done? Response - N/A
13. Provide your QNE re-qualification requirements, if applicable. Response - See attachment. Note that we are currently revising the JPR to include several items. I included the list of items being added.
14. Can you provide me with what your typical program costs to take a new hire and have that new hire qualified as a QNE? Response - ??? There may be a cost for the vendor software trainiing, however we have training credits with vendor in Fabrication Contract that can be used.
15. Are there any lessons learned you have in regards to QNE training? Response - Adding more demonstrates type items versus read and discuss. Experience is really the key and that can't be trained.
Please provide your responses to
I will provide at your request an anonymous summary of these results.
Frank W. Trikur RE Oversite and Emergent Issues Nuclear Fuels Exelon Corp. Phone: 630-657-2182
(See attached file: JPR 3.1 Fuel Monitoring BV3.pdf) (See attached file: AR JPR comments.doc)
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