In developing a B10 depletion lesson recently I discovered a concern that I have not seen raised before. Does your Safety Analysis for your boron injection or S/D systems (Accumulators, Boron Injection Tank or RWST) consider anything less than nominal B10 abundance (19.9 a/o) in the boron ppm requirement? If the analysis assumes nominal B10 and there is some B10 depletion then the negative reactivity assumed could be more than that actually available (non-conservative) upon injection. Is this accounted for in some fashion?
Thanks in advance
Ken Pike Retaqs, Inc. 610.277.8991 x 253
Callaway conducts periodic measurements of B-10 content in applicable tanks and adjusts minimum Boron concentration limits accordingly. An example from the site procedure is quoted below.
Jim McInvale
Operating limits and control bands are set to compensate for depletion of B-10 due to use of
recycled boric acid. The lower operating limit, 2030 ppm, compensates for a potential B-10
level in the RWST of 19.6%, making it equivalent to 19.9 atom %. Yearly analyses of B-10
in the RWST will be performed to verify and track the changes in B-10 level. This new
operating limit is more conservative than the T/S requirement of 2000 ppm B.
From: [] On Behalf Of Kenneth R Pike Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:16 AM To: Subject: [Pwrrm] RCS B10 depletion impact on Boron Inj Safety Systems?
In developing a B10 depletion lesson recently I discovered a concern that I have not seen raised before. Does your Safety Analysis for your boron injection or S/D systems (Accumulators, Boron Injection Tank or RWST) consider anything less than nominal B10 abundance (19.9 a/o) in the boron ppm requirement? If the analysis assumes nominal B10 and there is some B10 depletion then the negative reactivity assumed could be more than that actually available (non-conservative) upon injection. Is this accounted for in some fashion?
Thanks in advance
Ken Pike
Retaqs, Inc.
610.277.8991 x 253
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Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: McInvale, James B To: Kenneth R Pike ; PWR Reactivity Management Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:16 PM Subject: Re: [Pwrrm] RCS B10 depletion impact on Boron Inj Safety Systems?
Callaway conducts periodic measurements of B-10 content in applicable tanks and adjusts minimum Boron concentration limits accordingly. An example from the site procedure is quoted below.
Jim McInvale
Operating limits and control bands are set to compensate for depletion of B-10 due to use of
recycled boric acid. The lower operating limit, 2030 ppm, compensates for a potential B-10
level in the RWST of 19.6%, making it equivalent to 19.9 atom %. Yearly analyses of B-10
in the RWST will be performed to verify and track the changes in B-10 level. This new
operating limit is more conservative than the T/S requirement of 2000 ppm B.
From: [] On Behalf Of Kenneth R Pike Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:16 AM To: Subject: [Pwrrm] RCS B10 depletion impact on Boron Inj Safety Systems?
In developing a B10 depletion lesson recently I discovered a concern that I have not seen raised before. Does your Safety Analysis for your boron injection or S/D systems (Accumulators, Boron Injection Tank or RWST) consider anything less than nominal B10 abundance (19.9 a/o) in the boron ppm requirement? If the analysis assumes nominal B10 and there is some B10 depletion then the negative reactivity assumed could be more than that actually available (non-conservative) upon injection. Is this accounted for in some fashion?
Thanks in advance
Ken Pike
Retaqs, Inc.
610.277.8991 x 253
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Beaver Valley response:
Our safety analysis does not include a values below nominal, however we do have include a lower administrative value for the various tanks and Spent Fuel Pool. We do not recover/recycle boron at Beaver Valley and typically send samples from all the tanks, SFP, etc out for B-10 analysis following each refueling to ensure we remain within the Admin limits.
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email:
"Kenneth R Pike" <kpike01@comcast. net> To Sent by: cc
Subject 07/08/2009 10:15 [Pwrrm] RCS B10 depletion impact on AM Boron Inj Safety Systems?
Please respond to Kenneth R Pike <kpike01@comcast. net>; Please respond to PWR Reactivity Management < >
In developing a B10 depletion lesson recently I discovered a concern that I have not seen raised before. Does your Safety Analysis for your boron injection or S/D systems (Accumulators, Boron Injection Tank or RWST) consider anything less than nominal B10 abundance (19.9 a/o) in the boron ppm requirement? If the analysis assumes nominal B10 and there is some B10 depletion then the negative reactivity assumed could be more than that actually available (non-conservative) upon injection. Is this accounted for in some fashion?
Thanks in advance
Ken Pike Retaqs, Inc. 610.277.8991 x 253_______________________________________________ PWRRM mailing list
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