If you have not yet responded to this survey, please do so if possible.
FENOC would like to ask that each plant complete the following survey:
Contact Information: Name: Phone: E-Mail:
1. What is the purpose of your new fuel receipt activities? (indicate all that apply)
a. 10CFR50 Appendix B.VII quality inspection? b. Inspection for shipping damage and foreign material? c. Other (please specify):
2. Which organizations at your plant perform the following functions relative to new fuel receipt?
a. Overall new fuel receipt project management.
b. Ensuring adequate resources from other groups (Security, Radiation Protection, etc.) are aligned for new fuel receipt.
c. Ensuring appropriate Preventative Maintenance has been performed on new fuel receipt equipment (hoists, bridges, etc.).
d. Providing supervision of craft personnel (crane and bridge operators, mechanics, etc.) involved in new fuel receipt.
d. Performing actual new fuel receipt inspections.
e. Interfacing with the fuel vendor.
f. Generating fuel movement control sheets or checklists.
g. Tracking Special Nuclear Material (including processing of Material Transaction Reports).
h. Verifying integrity of shipping vehicle and shipping container accelerometers.
3. What qualifications are required for individuals performing inspections of new fuel during new fuel receipt? (indicate all that apply)
a. Part of reactor engineering qualifications b. Task-specific qualification card c. ANSI N45.2.6-1978 d. Others (please specify):
4. What role does your site/fleet QA or QC organizations play during new fuel receipt?
a. Performs new fuel receipt inspections. b. Qualifies new fuel receipt inspectors. c. Normal QA/QC oversight of activities. d. None. e. Other (please specify):
Ginna answers below.
From: pwrrm@retaqs.com [mailto:pwrrm@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of Tom Tomlinson Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 5:12 PM To: 'RCRC'; pwrrm@retaqs.com Subject: [Pwrrm] Fuel Receipt Survey
If you have not yet responded to this survey, please do so if possible.
FENOC would like to ask that each plant complete the following survey:
Plant: R. E. Ginna
Contact Information: Name: Gord Verdin Phone: 585-771-3285 E-Mail: Gordon.verdin@constellation.com
1. What is the purpose of your new fuel receipt activities? (indicate all that apply)
a. 10CFR50 Appendix B.VII quality inspection? X (mostly done at fab facility, but we do look for nonconformances at the site) b. Inspection for shipping damage and foreign material? X c. Other (please specify):
2. Which organizations at your plant perform the following functions relative to new fuel receipt?
a. Overall new fuel receipt project management. Reactor Services - corporate group, attached to Integrated Work Management
b. Ensuring adequate resources from other groups (Security, Radiation Protection, etc.) are aligned for new fuel receipt.
Reactor Services.
c. Ensuring appropriate Preventative Maintenance has been performed on new fuel receipt equipment (hoists, bridges, etc.).
PM is controlled by Engineering through PM templates which become repetitive tasks on schedule. Work is scheduled by Integrated Work Management.
d. Providing supervision of craft personnel (crane and bridge operators, mechanics, etc.) involved in new fuel receipt.
Reactor Services.
d. Performing actual new fuel receipt inspections.
A combination of maintenance (several mechanics were in our former inspection services group), reactor engineering, and corporate fuels personnel.
e. Interfacing with the fuel vendor.
Mostly corporate fuels personnel.
f. Generating fuel movement control sheets or checklists.
Reactor engineering.
g. Tracking Special Nuclear Material (including processing of Material Transaction Reports).
Reactor engineering and corporate fuels.
h. Verifying integrity of shipping vehicle and shipping container accelerometers.
Radwaste/material processing personnel (vehicle), accelerometers - fuel receipt crew
3. What qualifications are required for individuals performing inspections of new fuel during new fuel receipt? (indicate all that apply)
a. Part of reactor engineering qualifications X b. Task-specific qualification card X c. ANSI N45.2.6-1978 d. Others (please specify): Vendor fuel receipt training, visual acuity test
4. What role does your site/fleet QA or QC organizations play during new fuel receipt?
a. Performs new fuel receipt inspections. b. Qualifies new fuel receipt inspectors. c. Normal QA/QC oversight of activities. X d. None. e. Other (please specify): Corporate QPA personnel do source surveillances at fuel fabrication facility prior to shipment to site.
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BFN comments provided below.
Randy Hartwig BFN Reactor Engineer (256) 729 - 4746 Pager 10-208
From: rcrc@retaqs.com [mailto:rcrc@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of Tom Tomlinson Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 4:12 PM To: 'RCRC'; pwrrm@retaqs.com Subject: [RCRC] Fuel Receipt Survey
If you have not yet responded to this survey, please do so if possible.
FENOC would like to ask that each plant complete the following survey:
Plant: Browns Ferry (TVA)
Contact Information: Name: Randy Hartwig [ Alternate: Bill Hayes ] Phone: (256) 729-4746 [ (256) 729-4743 ] E-Mail: rlhartwig@tva.gov [ wrhayes@tva.gov ]
1. What is the purpose of your new fuel receipt activities? (indicate all that apply)
a. 10CFR50 Appendix B.VII quality inspection? b. Inspection for shipping damage and foreign material? Yes c. Other (please specify):
2. Which organizations at your plant perform the following functions relative to new fuel receipt?
a. Overall new fuel receipt project management. ( Corporate - Nuclear Fuel )
b. Ensuring adequate resources from other groups (Security, Radiation Protection, etc.) are aligned for new fuel receipt. ( Reactor Engineering )
c. Ensuring appropriate Preventative Maintenance has been performed on new fuel receipt equipment (hoists, bridges, etc.). ( Refueling Floor ) RFF Manager
d. Providing supervision of craft personnel (crane and bridge operators, mechanics, etc.) involved in new fuel receipt. ( Refueling Floor ) RFF Manager
d. Performing actual new fuel receipt inspections. Operations - RFF SRO (supervision) with fuel inspectors. Fuel inspectors maybe TVA personnel (AUOs ) or contractors.
e. Interfacing with the fuel vendor. ( Corporate - Nuclear Fuel )
f. Generating fuel movement control sheets or checklists. ( Reactor Engineering )
g. Tracking Special Nuclear Material (including processing of Material Transaction Reports). ( Reactor Engineering, copies go to Corporate - Nuclear Fuel )
h. Verifying integrity of shipping vehicle and shipping container accelerometers. ( Operations - Outside SRO )
3. What qualifications are required for individuals performing inspections of new fuel during new fuel receipt? (indicate all that apply)
a. Part of reactor engineering qualifications b. Task-specific qualification card ( Yes ) c. ANSI N45.2.6-1978 d. Others (please specify): ( BFN New Fuel Training with vendor inspector)
4. What role does your site/fleet QA or QC organizations play during new fuel receipt?
a. Performs new fuel receipt inspections. b. Qualifies new fuel receipt inspectors. c. Normal QA/QC oversight of activities. ( YES) d. None. e. Other (please specify):