Question for the group...
SOER 07-1 provides the admonition to discourage low power operation for an extended period of time.
How have you defined "low power operation" and "extended period of time"?
We're proposing defining "low power operation" as operation with the turbine offline. And "extended period of time" as 24 hours greater than the planned outage schedule (the assumption here is that the outage planning process has evaluated the risks of operation within the plan).
Is our proposal more or less conservative than your equivalent?
Carl D. Fago Reactor Engineering Supervisor Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas Phone: (864) 885-3047 Fax: (864) 885-3374 Email:
Exelon defines "low power operations" for BWRs - Mode Switch in Startup/Hot Standby & < 10% power; and for PWRs - Tavg > 525 deg F, reactor critical, & indicated neutron power on power range channels < 2%. We don't define "extended period of time", but we do discuss actions if we do operate for an extended period of time (Ops Director approval, contingencies & training, etc).
Mark Vandermyde Reactor Engineering Supervisor Clinton Power Station
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Fago, Carl D Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 12:45 PM To: RE Supervisors Subject: [Respvr] SOER 07-1 Low Power Ops
Question for the group...
SOER 07-1 provides the admonition to discourage low power operation for an extended period of time.
How have you defined "low power operation" and "extended period of time"?
We're proposing defining "low power operation" as operation with the turbine offline. And "extended period of time" as 24 hours greater than the planned outage schedule (the assumption here is that the outage planning process has evaluated the risks of operation within the plan).
Is our proposal more or less conservative than your equivalent?
Carl D. Fago
Reactor Engineering Supervisor
Oconee Nuclear Station
Duke Energy Carolinas
Phone: (864) 885-3047
Fax: (864) 885-3374
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Beaver Valley response:
There was an INPO webcast on November 27, 2007 for SOER 07-1. Many utilities participated and the question of what is considered low power operation for an extended period of time was discussed. INPO indicated extended operation was greater than 12 hours at less than 20% reactor power during the webcast. That is what we have incorporated for FirstEnergy (Beaver Valley, Davis-Besse, and Perry).
Anthony (A.R.) Burger Supervisor, Reactor Engineering FENOC - Beaver Valley Power Station Phone: (724) 682-4108 Cell: (724) 601-3224 FAX: (724) 682-4250 Email:
"Fago, Carl D" <cdfago@duke-ener> To Sent by: RE Supervisors cc
Subject 09/26/2008 01:45 [Respvr] SOER 07-1 Low Power Ops PM
Please respond to RE Supervisors < m>
Question for the group...
SOER 07-1 provides the admonition to discourage low power operation for an extended period of time.
How have you defined “low power operation” and “extended period of time”?
We’re proposing defining “low power operation” as operation with the turbine offline. And “extended period of time” as 24 hours greater than the planned outage schedule (the assumption here is that the outage planning process has evaluated the risks of operation within the plan).
Is our proposal more or less conservative than your equivalent?
Carl D. Fago Reactor Engineering Supervisor Oconee Nuclear Station Duke Energy Carolinas Phone: (864) 885-3047 Fax: (864) 885-3374 Email: _______________________________________________ Respvr mailing list
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In our General Operating procedure we specify an APRM reading of 3%. Below 3% operator are instructed to insert control rods until all rods are full in.
From: [] On Behalf Of Fago, Carl D Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 1:45 PM To: RE Supervisors Subject: [Respvr] SOER 07-1 Low Power Ops
Question for the group...
SOER 07-1 provides the admonition to discourage low power operation for an extended period of time.
How have you defined "low power operation" and "extended period of time"?
We're proposing defining "low power operation" as operation with the turbine offline. And "extended period of time" as 24 hours greater than the planned outage schedule (the assumption here is that the outage planning process has evaluated the risks of operation within the plan).
Is our proposal more or less conservative than your equivalent?
Carl D. Fago
Reactor Engineering Supervisor
Oconee Nuclear Station
Duke Energy Carolinas
Phone: (864) 885-3047
Fax: (864) 885-3374
The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the original message.