From: rcrc(a)retaqs.com [mailto:rcrc@retaqs.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:05 PM
To: HawnRS(a)INPO.org; rcadams(a)duke-energy.com; calday(a)entergy.com;
aaaustin(a)duke-energy.com; lsbarnes(a)tva.gov; Robert.A.Borchert(a)dom.com;
Erik.Flodin(a)aps.com; fred.gershkoff(a)sce.com; Kevin.Graham(a)aps.com;
Martin.Grissom(a)aps.com; Johnny.Henderson(a)dom.com;
hustonr(a)firstenergycorp.com; lakeller(a)duke-energy.com;
Adina.K.Lafrance(a)dom.com; gary.marsh(a)pgnmail.com; jbmcinvale(a)ameren.com;
NestelWA(a)INPO.org; kevin_randall(a)fpl.com; William.Stackler(a)pseg.com;
William.Stanley(a)exeloncorp.com; mstrickland1(a)scana.com;
Norman.Terrel(a)Luminant.com; gordon.verdin(a)constellation.com;
jwillett(a)oppd.com; gwilson(a)firstenergycorp.com;
ronald.niederer(a)exeloncorp.com; javier.sanchez(a)exeloncorp.com;
Cc: rcrc(a)retaqs.com
Subject: Re: [RCRC] PWR Reactor Engineering Working Meeting
PWR RE Colleagues:
I just wanted you to know that the day after our meeting, I met with some
other INPO personnel and found out that INPO has asked all the sites to
report out a Reactivity Management PI that basically is the BWROG RCRC PI,
which is currently consistent with the PWROG PI. So Lee Keller, I guess
your request at the meeting is complete already. INPO Ops people are aware
of the initiative of the BWROG RCRC to revise the PI and I will be working
with them on that issue, but I think this makes it imperative that the PWROG
also do the same. I hope to get approval for our new BWROG PI at the end of
January and will then work with the sites and INPO for how they will handle
the sudden change in PI values, targeting July 1 (3rd quarter)
implementation of the new PI across the BWR fleet.
I have already sent information to Fort Calhoun about RCRC meetings as
promised at the meeting in Atlanta. As I told Joe Willett, Tom Tomlinson
(RETAQS) and I are willing to facilitate this in any way we can to help you
succeed. I think you will gain many benefits out of a PWR RCRC and you can
probably accomplish it outside of the PWROG, making it probably that much
more cost effective. You'll see many benefits from this organization,
including helping to train and educate your newer RE's. There are numerous
instances of one plant being able to help another as a result of our
organization and the unity we have through it.
Ed McVey
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